St Vincent’s School, Glasnevin, Dublin, 1936.

St Vincent’s School, Glasnevin, Dublin, 1936.

St. Vincent’s School, Glasnevin, Dublin, 1936. Harry Thuillier is fourth from right, back row. The School was also the St. Vincent de Paul Orphanage, and there was a farm attached which provided most of the milk and vegetables needed for the 150 orphans, known as...
Schubert family group by overflow from dam, Gumboot Ranch, 1938.

Schubert family group by overflow from dam, Gumboot Ranch, 1938.

Schubert family group by overflow from dam, Gumboot Ranch, with Augustus II in old age (front centre); Audrey, Trevor, Helen and mother Kate (Schubert) Ficq, Augustus III, Gladys, Geraldine Scott, Norma, Gus Ficq, Shirley, 1938. Album: O’Hare-Schubert Family // Fort...