St. Vincent’s School, Glasnevin, Dublin, 1936. Harry Thuillier is fourth from right, back row. The School was also the St. Vincent de Paul Orphanage, and there was a farm attached which provided most of the milk and vegetables needed for the 150 orphans, known as...
St John’s Ambulance, Dublin – early 1930s. James Masterson is second from the left. Album: Masterson // County Dublin Categories: Ireland Tags: #1930s #black and white #group portrait...
Shirley and Audrey with mother Gladys (middle), 1938. Album: O’Hare-Schubert Family // Fort Armstrong, B.C. Categories: Canada Tags: #1930s #black and white #family portrait #garden...
Schubert family group by overflow from dam, Gumboot Ranch, with Augustus II in old age (front centre); Audrey, Trevor, Helen and mother Kate (Schubert) Ficq, Augustus III, Gladys, Geraldine Scott, Norma, Gus Ficq, Shirley, 1938. Album: O’Hare-Schubert Family // Fort...
Philip McGing (b. 1869), who suffered as a child from polio. This resulted in a handicapped leg. He lived with his brother Patrick’s family in Glenmask, Tourmakeady, County Mayo. Album: McGing & Dillon Families // Toronto, Ontario Categories: Canada Tags: #1930s...